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TACKLING FALSE ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS: WHY AND HOW COMPANIES AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS SHOULD COLLABORATEThere are many forms of fraud in educational institutions, ranging from contract cheating, bribery, plagiarism, and falsifying credentials. Fake academic degrees are only a small part of the rampant spread of false academic credentials in Indonesia. The last case that was raised by the media was a forged post-graduate diploma and a doctorate of a rector, as among multiple fake diplomas forged by politicians.

How false academic credentials ruin companies’ and educational institutions’ reputations

Certain certificates of expertise and training may also be falsified. Individuals who have original diplomas could also fake their transcripts. Such falsification of credential documents has the potential to bring risks not only to the organizations or companies that employ these individuals, but also to educational institutions.

For example, the unsatisfactory performance from individuals who falsify transcripts could bring loss to the company. Not only does it implicate the company, but also the educational institutions’ reputation that issued the academic certificate.

Another example would be if a dishonest employee that used a fake diploma and profiteers the name of a particular university commits a violation in the workplace. It is likely that the profiteered University’s reputation is also at risk.

How companies and educational institutions can collaborate

In today’s digital age where technology is developing rapidly, it is very easy for an individual to falsify credential documents. Therefore, it is important for every stakeholder in the field of education, in this case companies and educational institutions, to collaborate to protect each other’s reputation from the adverse effect of fake academic credentials. Companies and educational institutions can collaborate through Education Verification.

Education Verification is our educational background screening platform that offers:

  • A simple interface to validate education credentials in just a few clicks.
  • A global service that includes more than 16,000 universities in 199 countries.
  • Income opportunity for university partners, schools and certification and training institutions as verifiers.

For more information about Education Verification contact us today.




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Written by Putri Pertiwi


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