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Case Study

Invalid Findings That Your Company Needs To Know

By 19 April 2021No Comments

Throughout 2020, Integrity Indonesia has conducted checks on tens of thousands of prospective employees at the request of our clients. Of these, invalid checks were a few of the findings. These are six biggest reasons for Invalid results:

  1. Discrepancy in work period. In the employment check, work period is one of the indicators that we use. One of the checks we once handled was related to a candidate who claimed in his CV to have worked at his previous company from March 2017 to 2019. However, after conducting a verification, we confirmed that the candidate started working from July 2018. We found a gap of 1 year and 4 months, which could not be confirmed. In this case, we marked the employment check as invalid.
  2. Discrepancy in job position. Job position is one of the indicators, which is often falsified by candidates. One case we found was a candidate who claimed to be a manager in his previous employment. However, the HR of the company confirmed that his last position was a staff.
  3. Fake or invalid certificate of employment. Certificates of employment are said to be fake if they are never issued by the company. Meanwhile, it is invalid if the certificate is validated by an unauthorized party. An example of a case we found was a candidate who previously worked as a Human Resources Officer. We found that the signature on the document belonged to the candidate. The authentic document became invalid because the candidate’s previous Head of HR was supposed to be the authorized party to sign the certificate.
  4. Attitude problem. An attitude problem can potentially lead to bad performance. In one case, the company where a candidate used to work warned that he had emotional problems, which affected his work performance. Based on the performance indicator, the result of this verification was invalid even though there was no discrepancy in other indicators.
  5. Involvement in fraud. A track record of being involved in fraud as a perpetrator is one of the indicators that we pay close attention to. One case we found was a candidate who was fired by his previous company after getting involved in embezzlement led by his superior.
  6. Improper exit formality. It is an indicator where candidates resign from the job without following the proper procedure. For this case, we usually encounter candidates who resigned before the 30 days notice without the company’s permission.

Invalid findings on candidates are crucial information that companies need to pay heed in order to consider potential risks.

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