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its webinarOn June 17, 2021, Integrity Indonesia had the opportunity to attend as one of the participants of the Public Consultation Forum themed ITS Public Service Standards, which was organized by Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). The virtual forum moderated by Mr. Ariadi Imawan was attended by representatives of ITS, the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Organization and Information System Technology (SDMO & TSI) Dr. Eng, Ir. Ahmad Rusdiansyah M.Eng, Head of Bureau of Law and Bureaucratic Reform, Drs. Ec. Mutriyono, M.Si, Head of Report Reception and Verification of East Java OMBUDSMAN, Mr. Achmad Azmi Musyaddad S.Ip, M.Ip., Head of Employment Background Screening Integrity Asia, Ms. Nancy Triana Desianti, as well as other users of ITS public services.

The purpose of holding this Public Consultation Forum is part of ITS’s efforts to involve the community and related parties in compiling and setting service standards based on Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services.

This forum was opened with a warm welcome by Dr. Eng, Ir. Ahmad Rusdiansyah M.Eng and was continued with a session of providing materials on public services by Mr. Achmad Azmi Musyaddad S.Ip, M.Ip. accompanied by a questions and answers session. The discussion was continued with a Review and Discussion on Public Service Standards at ITS session.

Integrity Indonesia has long been a user of ITS public services for alumni diploma verification services. On this auspicious occasion, Ms. Nancy Desianti conveyed feedback regarding the diploma verification service, especially related to digitization and centralization of the diploma verification process.

“Especially during a pandemy, it would be very helpful if all processes for diploma verification could go through a technology-based, advanced and centralized platform,” said Ms. Nancy.

“Furthermore, consent letters should be a requirement for diploma verification at ITS. We are from the private sector, which offers employment background screening as one of our services, in particular educational checks. This process requires consent letters. Basically, it is a letter of approval signed by an alumnus to verify his/her personal information. It would be better if universities require a consent letter as a requirement as Indonesia is currently drafting a Personal Data Protection Law,” she continued.

The forum was closed by the Head of the ITS Bureau of Law and Bureaucratic Reform, Drs. Ec. Mutriyono, M.Si. with the symbolic submission of online certificates to the representative of the forum organizers named Mrs. Rahmah Irma, M.Si., as well as Ms. Nancy Triana Desianti, as a user representative.

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