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study tracer

In the world of higher education, there is a term known as tracer study. A tracer study is a method used by some universities, both public and private, to trace the careers of their alumni. Tracer studies can provide in-depth and detailed information regarding job compatibility, measured both horizontally (between various fields of knowledge) and vertically (between various levels/educational strata).

Benefits of tracer study

Tracer study benefits universities in many ways. They enable universities to determine the level of absorption of their alumni in the business or industrial world, the quality of their alumni’s mastery of educational materials, and the evaluation of their learning processes. They can also be used to measure the university’s contribution to the production of competent graduates and generate input for future institutional development. 

Universities may use tracer study to learn which sectors absorb the most graduates from their universities and which study programs are in high demand by advanced corporations and industries. This is information that universities may use to maintain or modify their curriculum in order to improve their graduates’ “marketability”.

Furthermore, tracer studies may be utilized as a university’s assessment material for its graduates, determining if they have met the competence criteria of companies and, at the same time, adding value to the university accreditation.

Another advantage of a tracer study would be that they serve as reference material for companies in developing suitable training and development programs for the fresh graduates that they may employ.

Utility of Education Verification

Now, universities can obtain those benefits by utilizing the Education Verification platform to validate their alumni’s degrees. A well-documented verification request may then be used by the universities for a tracer study.  

Another advantage provided by the Education Verification platform is double authentication technology, which enables candidates to independently check the authenticity of the verified certificate. This is used to determine if the document has been tempered.

In accordance with the check-and-balance principle, verification is done in two steps: verification by academic staff as well as confirmation of supervisors. It is also guaranteed that all registered partners are accredited. All verification results can be accounted for and guaranteed to be accurate.



Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

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